St Andrews Town Commission on Housing has been jointly established by a group of local organisations:
St Andrews Preservation Trust, the
University of St Andrews, a local residents’ association,
St Andrews Community Council, and the
Students’ Association, along with local Fife councillors. Its purpose is to carry out an independent inquiry into housing needs and pressures in the town of St Andrews and make recommendations for their alleviation. If St Andrews is to remain a good place in which to live, work and play there must be a better appreciation of the current housing situation and a coherent and rational plan to meet future housing needs. It is important that the Commission hears the views and opinions of all who live or work in St Andrews if it is to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the situation.
The Commision will be running a
survey from now until 31 January 2013 and would like to hear the views of anyone who lives, works or studies in St Andrews.