Thursday, 24 January 2013

GeoBus on a roll - 1 year on

One year on from the launch of the GeoBus on 18th January 2012, it has been hailed a 'tremendous success' with close to 10,000 pupils now having participated in practical hands-on Earth science on offer by the mobile science unit. To date, the GeoBus has visited 88 secondary schools, including 17 repeat visits, across Scotland, including those in remote and disadvantaged regions. It has travelled to  the Western Isles and Skye and are further visits are planned for Orkney and Shetland in the spring. The GeoBus project was presented at the British Science Festival in Aberdeen and the Earth Science Teaching Association conference last September.
The GeoBus is an educational outreach project, developed by the Department of Earth Sciences, which visits mostly secondary schools (year groups S1–S6). All teaching involves hands-on practical work which is mostly conducted in class sizes of 25 or less, working in small groups (of 5 or less). For more information, contact co-ordinator Kathryn Roper. [press story]