Monday, 8 August 2016

World politics podcasts: State of the Theory

Dr Anindya Raychaudhuri from the School of English and Dr Hannah Fitzpatrick from the University of Aberdeen run a weekly podcast called “State of the Theory”. Each week, this series tackles a new topic from the world of politics, news or popular culture and try to analyse it using the tools of philosophy and critical theory. The latest episode focuses on the ramifications of Brexit and what we might learn from the EU referendum results. We have previously looked at the Oscars, the UK budget, Islamophobia, and the London mayoral elections.

You can find the episodes on Soundcloud ( or on iTunes ( Please give it a listen, and join in the conversation. We are on Twitter as @DrAnindyaR and @DrHFitz – you can also get in touch through the podcast Twitter account - @TheoryDoctors

The podcast website is